Brigg events on the horizon include the Christmas lights switch-on, Christmas fayre and late night shopping on Friday, November 20, plus the Christmas Farmers' Market on Saturday, December 22.
Thursday 1 November
7.30pm - Brigg and District Horticultural Society – Methodist Church Hall, Barnard Avenue, Brigg. Talk on Potted History of Scothern Nursery. Members free, non-members £2. 01652 653985.
Tuesday 6 November
8pm - The Gunpowder Plot – Illustrated talk by Linda Hotchkiss for BASH (Brigg Amateur Social Historians), Brigg and District Servicemen’s Club, Coney Court. 01652 657053.
Saturday 24 November
9am to 3pm - Brigg Farmers’ Market - Brigg Market Place. Visit this FARMA accredited award winning market and buy delicious local food from the people who produce it. Now with over 30 stalls selling everything from ostrich to smoked salmon and home-made cakes to sauces. 01652 657053.
Tuesday 27 November
7.15pm - Brigg & District Flower Society - Angel Suite. “Sparkling Christmas”, demonstration by Rosalind Walker from Driffield. All welcome. 01652 650158.
Friday 30 November
From 5pm - Brigg Lions Christmas Fayre - Christmas lights switch-on by cast of Aladdin, craft and charity market, street entertainment, dancers, carol singers, Father Christmas, in Brigg town centre, late-night shopping until 9pm. 01652 652979.
Tuesday 4 December
8pm - With Courage and Sacrifice – Violette Szabo, S O E - Illustrated talk by Josie Webb for BASH (Brigg Amateur Social Historians), Brigg and District Servicemen’s Club, Coney Court. Free. 01652 657053.
Thursday 13 December
7.30pm – Brigg Singers Christmas Concert – Methodist Church, Barnard Avenue. Tickets £5 including light refreshments, from Brigg Tourist Information Centre or 01724 762394.
Friday 14 December
7.30pm - Wold Singers Christmas Concert - Angel Suite, Brigg. Tickets £6.50 including light refreshments. 01724 850518.
Saturday 22 December
9am to 3pm - Brigg Christmas Farmers’ Market - Brigg Market Place. Visit this FARMA accredited award winning market and buy delicious local food from the people who produce it. Now with over 30 stalls selling everything from ostrich to smoked salmon and home-made cakes to sauces. 01652 657053.
Saturday 26 January
9am to 3pm - Brigg Farmers’ Market - Brigg Market Place. Visit this FARMA accredited award winning market and buy delicious local food from the people who produce it. Now with over 30 stalls selling everything from ostrich to smoked salmon and home-made cakes to sauces. 01652 657053.
Saturday 23 February
9am to 3pm - Brigg Farmers’ Market - Brigg Market Place. Visit this FARMA accredited award winning market and buy delicious local food from the people who produce it. Now with over 30 stalls selling everything from ostrich to smoked salmon and home-made cakes to sauces. 01652 657053.
Tuesday 26 February
7.15pm - Brigg and District Flower Club – Angel Suite, Brigg. All welcome. 01469 569607.
Information very kindly supplied by Brigg Tourist Information Centre, The Buttercross, Market Place, Brigg, DN20 8ER. Tel 01652 657053 email website

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