Monday, February 08, 2010


By a QUAG spokesman

In the most recent Conservatives' Intouch newsletter (Feb, 2010) there is an article updating the Residents' Parking Scheme, which will be shortly introduced on a limited number of town centre streets in Brigg.
A representative of the Queen Street Action Group (QUAG) - an activist group of residents that have petitioned NLC - has asked Brigg Blog to clarify a slightly misleading claim in the article.
The article wrongly indicates a 'residents ONLY parking scheme' will cover some of the streets adjacent to Queen Street.
The scheme is not a 'Residents Only' parking facility, but a scheme that will allow qualifying residents exemption from the limited 1-hour on-street parking zones in the area. The Scheme will not preclude others from parking along such streets, although, in such, circumstances, 'visiting' motorists will have to comply with the displayed limited parking bye-laws.
The Residents' Parking Scheme is expected to be introduced at, or near, the time when the North Lincolnshire Council assume Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) from Humberside Police. This means that NLC will take responsibility for enforcing both on-street and for NLC's car park's off-street parking.
CPE Parking Enforcements Officers have already be appointed and NLC indicated that parking regulations will be enforced throughout the authority and, obviously, this will include Brigg.
Before Christmas, NLC was expecting final approval to introduce CPE from the Ministry of Transport. It is anticipated that CPE will be introduced some time in March.
However, NLC has indicated that prior to the start of CPE, there will be a period of about two weeks to inform and educate motorists about the need to observe and comply with parking regulations.
Humberside Police will still control moving traffic offences and such infringements as obstruction - the latter includes such examples as parking within the zig-zag zones outside schools and parking a vehicle on the footpath.
Humberside Police and NLC have both indicated at a recent public meeting held at Brigg Town Council's Angel Suite that there may be need to work co-operatively to improve certain, or enduring parking infringements.

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