Sunday, February 08, 2009


North Lincolnshire Council planners must soon decide what to do about the variety of signs put up at United Carpets' new store, near The Monument.
However, while we are talking about things which might not be in keeping with the conservation area, take a look across the road from the store and see what you make of the big new traffic bollard that's been stuck there, near the Tin Tabs.
Some might well say it's plastic and garish - but highly visible to everyone.
Which you could also say about United Carpets' signage.
Council planners are really in a 'no win' situation with the store's planning application. If they refuse to allow the existing signs to stay they could be accused of failing to support a business bringing trade and jobs to Brigg; if they grant permission there will be claims it sets a worrying precedent on planning, and that there's little point in having the conservation area.

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