Saturday, October 13, 2018


Four weeks ago when Brigg Blog revealed a company's plans to build 48 new homes in the district, we did not envisage the huge public interest this  would create. But it  resulted in more than 40 comments being lodged with North Lincolnshire Council.
Outline planning permission is being sought for farmland near the B1207 on Station Road, Hibaldstow - almost opposite the village playing field.
The site has Manton Lane to the north, Station Road to the east,  Traffords Way to the south and  agricultural land to the west.
Some people keen to buy affordable homes in this popular village have written in support of the application, but most of those who have made their views known to planners have reservations about the scheme, with many objecting to its approval.
Scunthorpe MP Nic Dakin, whose constituency includes Hibaldstow, has written to North Lincolnshire Council, saying he has received a significant number of representations from local residents "which overwhelmingly demonstrate a desire to object to the proposals."
The MP says the land is identified as 'greenfield' and he suggests "the retention of such sites is vital in maintaining the character of villages such as Hibaldstow."
He concludes that Hibaldstow is not equipped to accommodate a development of this size, particularly in this location, and therefore advocates refusal of the application.
However, a planning justification statement sent to the local authority says: "The proposed development would help North Lincolnshire Council meet its housing needs and support a more flexible and responsive supply of land for housing. The development proposal represents a realistic proposition to provide 48 much-needed dwellings in the area and contribute towards the Council’s 5 year supply of housing within North Lincolnshire."
Some  "affordable housing" is included in the proposals.
North Lincolnshire Council, which accepted comments until October 4, is now considering the application from Malgrade Ltd, Wootton - submitted through a London agent.
Clearly, people living in villages near Brigg often choose to come and shop in our town and use other facilities while they are here. A development involving 48 homes would generate a lot of spending power.
It will be interesting to see how long the council takes to reach its decision.
We won't be surprised if this one goes before the Planning Committee, made up of elected councillors from across the district.