Thursday, April 23, 2009


If you were one of the hundreds of motorists using the A18 about tea-time yesterday you would have seen the rather upmarket coach which had broken down on Barnard Avenue, just as it was looking to turn right into Cary Lane (coming from the direction of Tesco roundabout).
It was a tight squeeze for large vehicles looking to get round it on the inside lane, nearest the kerb.
This was a visiting tour coach - not a normal service bus belonging to Hornsby or Stagecoach.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Yep...saw the breakdown when I emerged from Tesco car-park. Went via Birch and Ash Grove traffic lights.
The coach was stopped - and at that time had a white service van and guys working in the rear engine compartment - and appeared, being in the outside lane, intending to turn right into Cary Lane.
I could only see about three people on board at that point.
Nice coach - seemed to be luxury touring..