Thursday, October 09, 2008


Motorists take note that ‘a period of enforcement’ is to come on Bridge Street, Brigg, which has high priority in terms of road safety.
The information was released by Pete Scott (pictured), head of safer roads at North Lincolnshire Council, during the quarterly Brigg Neighbourhood Policing Panel, held in the Angel Suite.
We’ve already had the ‘flashing’ signs on Bridge Street, warning motorists about the 30mph speed limit.
So be sure to keep your speed down in the months ahead, just in case a police patrol is waiting!
Meanwhile, Pete Scott has finally been alerted to to the problem caused by overgrown vegetation on Cadney Road, which is cutting down drivers' visibility near the small bridge over Candley Beck.
Now he has the matter in hand, we can expect an end to a saga which has dragged on for months, since it was first drawn to the attention of someone (not Pete) at North Lincolnshire Council.

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