Monday, March 02, 2015


We’ve dipped a wheel in this large pothole near Spring’s Parade, Brigg, and would like to warn other drivers so they can avoid doing likewise.
It’s not a public highway so North Lincolnshire Council cannot be called upon to take action.
But it could get wider and deeper, only increasing the possibility of damaging a tyre – or worse.
Approaching drivers might  spot it during daylight hours. But it’s a different story once the sun has gone down over the yardarm.
So be warned. And pass on the alert to friends and family.
The location is close to the entrance to the former Lidl store (now closed).

This is a much-used route by car-driving shoppers and also lorries which park up in the evenings.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

My educated understanding is that the old Lidl's car park site is to be resurfaced before B&M move in.
The site, including the building, is least from Tesco and Tesco's contractors will not start the work until the warmer weather arrives.
Tesco are expecting work to start b4 the end of this month....