Tuesday, July 07, 2015


Looking along Bigby Road, Brigg, the A1084, from The Monument.

Most Brigg folk don't give the impressive tree-lined approaches to our town a second look.
The trees have been there so long that we pass by without noticing.
But a good many people driving through, or visiting Brigg, admire what they see.
There are fine avenues of mature trees on the approaches to the town we've photographed here - Wrawby Road (A18), Bigby Road (A1084) and even the little-used C-road linking us with Cadney.
Credit is due to successive councils, going back to the 19th century, who have resisted the temptation to tamper with them. Hopefully the majority will still be growing strong100 years from now.
We waited for the arrival of summer, with the trees in full leaf, to take our pictures - for the record.

Cadney Road, Brigg, with the Old River Ancholme on the right.

East Park, Brigg,  as it looks from The Monument.

Wrawby Road, Brigg (the A18) viewed from The Monument.


Ken Harrison said...

Not certain about 'successive councils' planting the trees, as most of trees were planted in the last quarter of C19th when Brigg had a Board of executives....some time before we had the elected councils we know today.
Nevertheless, even the trees along the A18 from from Briggate Lodge look attractive, especially in their autumnal colours.
One distraction is the lack of trees in the Scawby Brook area - an area that was and extensively still is in a different parish....or should I say in 2 separate parishes - Scawby and Broughton...so perhaps was never considered for a tree planting programme in the C19th......
But that does not mean it can't be rectified....but it will mean negotiating with both Scawby Parish and Broughton Town Council......also NLC needs to sort the on-road parking.....or, indeed, the lack of such for residents in the area....pinch some of the verge if needs be to develop lay-by parking facilities.....
Plant trees now for the benefit of the next generation and to improve the appearance of Brigg's roads from whatever direction the traveller arrives in the town...

Ken Harrison said...

As the so-called Devil's Advocate....are the residents in Scawby Brook/Waters Edge getting value for money?
They are paying their respective Parish/Town councils a precept..a sum of money within their Council Tax payment..
Are they receiving local community benefits from such precept amounts, or is the funding being spent to benefit the village of Scawby/the centre of Broughton? Are they sponsors or the receivers of such cash-flow amounts?
Residents could petition to become part of Brigg Parish....as opposed to just being residents of the wider Brigg township.......then, it could be legitimately argued the BTC could coordinate the growth, its environment, needs et al much better.
The power of the people is in the hands of such residents....