Friday, February 19, 2016


With a growing number of people using mobile phones, traditional public telephone box are used less and less.
We are struggling to remember the last time we used a call box. It was the red one in the Market Place and at least a couple of years ag.
But some people DO still use them. Not everyone owns a mobile phone. And even if they do have one, the battery may have run down. 
The most important role of public call boxes has never changed. If you chanced upon a fire in Brigg town centre, or came across someone needing urgent medical attention, it's good to know that call boxes are still there so you can dial 999.


Ken Harrison said...

There's something like a public obligation order that protects the 'last standing' call box in a neighbourhood.
BT have to consult a wide range of parties if they want to remove a public box if it's removal would leave the nearest box over ?500 (or so) metres away.
Therefore, would assume BT could legitimate remove one of the two public telephone boxes in, or near the Market Place (ie Market Place and the one beside the side of Steel's.
Should one be removed, then the remaining box will become protected...and thus, would only be removed if it passed the removal criteria of the obligation order.

The Independent Brigg Line Rail Group said...

There is still a BT phone on the Cleethorpes platform at Brigg station

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