Wednesday, January 08, 2014


A picture showing how close Ancholme Gardens is to the town centre - St John's Church, Bigby Street, being visible in the distance.
Further details have been revealed about the scheme to remodel and refurbish the Ancholme Gardens complex in Brigg where many senior citizens live.
North Lincolnshire homes says it is proposing a  small, sympathetic two-storey extension to the front of the building.
The social landlord says the planned extension "has very little impact on the scale of the building."
It says the aim is to provide "an additional occupancy of 30 persons across all self-contained residential units."
North Lincolnshire Homes points to a reduction in the demand for small bedsit accommodation with shared facilities.
It adds: "The proposal has been designed to meet the requirement for larger self-contained apartments, but still retain an element for social communal space."
NLH is now asking North Lincolnshire Council to grant the necessary planning permission.
This is for the conversion and alteration of a sheltered housing scheme from bedsits and one-bed flats to one- and two-bed apartments at Nos 8-37 Ancholme Gardens, off Elwes Street.
Many Brigg Blog followers will be aware that this is close to the Old River Ancholme. And in its submission to the planners, North Lincolnshire Homes says: "The site is located on the edge of a flood area, as designated by the Environment Agency, and their advice will be sought with regards to the extension element of the works, so that any recommendations can be incorporated in the scheme."

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