Saturday, March 02, 2013


The pinching of plants from the planters in Brigg town centre was discussed at the latest meeting of the Brigg Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT). Coun Chris Dyson was  there representing Brigg Town Council.
Reporting back to his council colleagues in the Angel Suite, Coun Dyson said he was against curtailing future planting because of  these thefts. Such a course of action would  send out the wrong message.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

There is a notion that the planters suffer both vandalism and plant theft.
Recognising such, surely it's not beyond feasibility of coordinating planting time with a an organised CCTV watch.
PLANT - WATCH and CATCH, so to speak.

As a slightly separate issue, I feel that the planters would have much more impact on the townscape if they were grouped in 3's, rather than singularly, along Wrawby St.