Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Spadework is still being undertaken to create the new Brigg allotments site on Woodbine Park between Preston Drive and South View Avenue.
Needed for future redevelopment, the Grammar School Road allotments are to be phased out and new plots provided on part of the existing children's play area/park in agreement with North Lincolnshire Council.
Brigg Town Council's September meeting heard there have been a number of shed break-ins on the Grammar School Road allotments, with the police made aware.
Coun Carl Sherwood said police visited the site "on a regular basis."
He went on the reveal that the new allotments site on Woodbine Park will require considerable amounts of top soil to be added to its surface.
Coun Rob Waltham called for "a timescale" to be established for the new site's creation so tenants relocating from Grammar School Road could plan ahead.
He said plot-holders would need to undertake planting early next year and called for an urgent meeting between the Town Council and the North Lincolnshire authority.
This course of action was agreed.
The meeting also heard about some issues over trees, fencing and ownership of small areas of land which needed to be resolved quickly.
Planning permission has been granted for the new allotments site, with sheds, on Woodbine Park.
Brigg Town Council also operates allotments off Atherton Way/Redcombe Lane.
Brigg allotment holders pay an annual rental for the right to grow their own fruit and veg on plots at both sites.
PICTURED: Allotment plots of Grammar School Road.