Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Thousands of motorists and scores of pedestrians pass the railings beside the A18 Monument roundabout in Brigg every week.
So this is seen as an ideal spot to erect a temporary banner advertising North Lincolnshire Council's farmers' market ahead of this very popular monthly event.
However, Coun Penny Smith told Brigg Town Council's latest meeting that on Saturday, January 25 the banner on the railings had been removed while the market was still operating, leaving some people wondering whether that day's event was actually proceeding.
Coun Nigel Sherwood - a member of North Lincolnshire Council - replied: "It's on the fourth Saturday every month."
Brigg Blog has long considered this issue from a slightly different angle.
Over many previous Saturdays we wondered whether the banner on the railings had been left up TOO LONG. We've seen it still in place on Sundays and even early on Mondays.
As the banner carries the lettering 'This Saturday' it might cause some confusion, we've often thought.
The general rule is that the farmers' market is held on the fourth Saturday of the month.
However, in December there is usually a change; it is brought forward to before Christmas when there's heavy demand for products of all kind  from the stalls.


Ken Harrison said...

Perhaps examining the junction with Old Courts would prove more productive.
It acts as the main access to Brigg retail district but there is very little to invite the passing motorist to explore the junction.

The Independent Brigg Line Rail Group said...

Don't put one up near the railway station, Marshall's Yard shopping centre in Gainsborough might take it down 😉

Ken Harrison said...

Talking about Gainsborough, I believe the town does not allow the market stall-holders to leave their rubbish behind, unlike Brigg....

smiler said...

when there is five satuday's in a month we always hear "thought it was next sat" or "missed the last one, as I thought it was at the end of the month"
re: rubbish only one stall holder leaves their rubbish thurs market & farmers market everyone else takes there rubbish with them.