Saturday, October 21, 2017


Brigg Blog receives family history requests from time to time and we do our best to help.
The latest relates to these interesting pictures.
There's a link to the old Lincolnshire (Hull) Times weekly newspaper which had offices in the Market Place until the early 1950s and later on Wrawby Street until the paper closed in 1985. We were on the staff for five years before switching to the Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph in January 1984.
Our correspondent emailed to say: "My partner's grandfather was George Neal Sipling; he was a baker.
"He received this award in 1928. Can you tell me anything about it?
"The photograph shows him seated, front left. Do you know any of the other gentlemen in the picture?
"We think that they may be a group of Brigg businessmen.

"We also have a picture of him in a band; they are all in fancy dress."
Can you help our correspondent?
If so, please email and we will forward on the information.
Brigg Blog thinks the newspaper probably operated a scheme in which it provided long-serving certificates to small companies in its circulation area so they could reward stalwart employees.
However, a search of the archive catalogue for Times issues in 1928 has failed to return any matches for 'Sipling' or 'Otter and Barly'.
Where was this company located in Brigg?


  1. The only Siplings I know are the tilt/cover makers towards Broughton.
    Assuming that George started work at the age of 13...straight from school, does the guy, on 'The left, seated' look 43 years old? Was the photo taken b4 1928?

  2. The only Siplings I know are the tilt/cover makers towards Broughton.
    Assuming that George started work at the age of 13...straight from school, does the guy, on 'The left, seated' look 43 years old? Was the photo taken b4 1928?

  3. In the Lincolnshire Star...17 July 1917 there is an obituary to Private Albert Turtle (his name in on Briggs War memorial) who died after an appendix op..aged about 20..he was buried in Brigg with friends, G.Sipling, Chas Bllodworh, H Metcalf and Geo Ward acting as bearers...Is there a connection?

  4. In the Lincolnshire Star...17 July 1917 there is an obituary to Private Albert Turtle (his name in on Briggs War memorial) who died after an appendix op..aged about 20..he was buried in Brigg with friends, G.Sipling, Chas Bllodworh, H Metcalf and Geo Ward acting as bearers...Is there a connection?

  5. There are 2 Siplings on Briggs War Memorial...Fred, age 39 and who was in the same regiment at Albert Turtle ....and Francis.....
    Any of these related?
