Saturday, June 11, 2016


Being old-fashioned and a firm believer than the football season should not impinge on cricket, Brigg Blog will not be seeking out a local pub to watch England v Russia in Euro 2016 tonight.
We are planning to walk into town just ahead of the kick-off at 8pm and will be heading for a hostelry which is NOT offering wall-to-wall TV coverage of the big match.
We are obviously expressing a minority view here and scores of people from the Brigg area will be clamouring to get a good look at the screen and cheer on England tonight. 
When there was a proper close season, it used to be possible for Sheffield United and Yorkshire to share the Bramall Lane ground for football and cricket, and for Northampton Town to do likewise with Northamptonshire.
Phil Neale, who comes from the Scunthorpe area, played cricket for Worcestershire and football for Lincoln City. Many others managed to be professionals at both sports.
Now there's such an overlap that when Euro 2016 concludes, we'll be straight into preliminary rounds for one of the lesser European knockout competitions.
We've seen some England flags draped windows in some Brigg houses to show patriotic support for manager Roy and his boys. 


  1. When I initially read the title, Nige...I thought you were making a political statement about the referendum.....but, football is like politics, the side with the best tactics, don't always win!

  2. As you know, sir, we DO NOT express any political affiliations. Brigg Blog remains strictly neutral.
