Sunday, June 12, 2016


Brigg Blog has observed a few changes in bird life across the town.
On the St Helen's housing estate we've seen goldfinches on quite a few occasions recently, but the once familiar bullfinches are nowhere to be seen.
Robins are also about in our part of town, and we saw a couple of mapgies in East Parade/Central Square yesterday.
On the Old River Ancholme, close to the town centre, there seem to be fewer swans this year than last.
Swift numbers across town appear to be about the same as in 2015.
We could do with a rarity or two. In past years while gazing out the window when compiling Brigg Blog posts we've seen a  solitary fieldfare and one sparrow hawk perched on a fence.
The way the weather has been during the past few days, maybe a wader or two will drop by!


  1. There's mummy and daddy swan and 8 little paddle-grippers on the river this year, Nige.
    Any reported sightings of buzzards over the Pingley area of this year?

  2. There's mummy and daddy swan and 8 little paddle-grippers on the river this year, Nige.
    Any reported sightings of buzzards over the Pingley area of this year?
