Friday, June 03, 2016



The council’s Safer Neighbourhoods team has joined forces with Humberside Police to warn people about the dangers of leaving valuables on display in vehicles as it presents an opportunity for thieves to take these items.
Over recent months there has been a small increase in the number of thefts from vehicles and it is likely to rise during the summer months. 
We want to ensure this doesn’t happen and are encouraging people to keep their valuable items safe and hidden away from thieves.
People are also being urged to keep their windows closed when they are not in their vehicle. Leaving your windows open can present an opportunity for a thief - don’t give them this opportunity.
It is advised that you:

  • Lock all doors and close windows
  • Don’t leave anything on display
  • Remove the stereo (if you have a portable one)
  • Remove Sat Nav devices and wipe away marks
  • Never store car documents in your car
  • Use a steering lock to help secure older cars
  • Park in well-lit areas (where possible)
  • Use your secure garage (if you have one) to park your car

Following these tips will make sure your vehicle is safer and help deter thieves.

Coun Richard Hannigan, Cabinet Member for Governance and Transformation, said: “This issue has been raised at the Kingsway and Lincoln Gardens Neighbourhood Action Team meeting; however it is a problem that affects North Lincolnshire as a whole.
“Don’t make it easy for thieves to steal your items by putting them on display in vehicles. Make sure you keep your valuables hidden, vehicles locked and windows closed. If you follow these steps it will help make sure your vehicle is safe and not creating an opportunity for thieves.”
Inspector Tim Harvey, the lead for community policing in North Lincolnshire, said more than 50 per cent of incidents involving valuables being taken from cars could have been prevented.
He said: “This kind of crime could be halved if people did not leave valuables on display.
“Police patrols and CCTV play a significant part in reducing and detecting crimes but by taking the simple step of not leaving any valuables on display, people can significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime.
“The majority of thieves are opportunists, walking the streets looking into vehicles – and it’s just as likely to happen during the day as it is at night.
“They are not interested in forcing entry and searching the vehicle for anything of value – that takes too long. They target vehicles where they can see something. It’s a smash and grab which takes less than five seconds to complete.
“Some thieves who do not want the risk of ‘smash and grab’ in drawing attention to themselves, will simply try door handles. If they try enough, they will find one that has been left unlocked, either by mistake or because the owner thought the car would be ‘safe enough for ten minutes or so’.
“Our crime reports show that over 50 per cent of thefts from vehicles occur when valuable items are on display. Laptops, handbags, loose cash, purses, iPads, and wallets – all these items have recently been stolen from the front seat or front passenger foot wells.”