Saturday, May 01, 2021


A Brigg petition has been launched in an effort to persuade North Lincolnshire Council to ensure the town's former Youth Centre on Grammar School Road is retained for future community use.
Having announced its intention to provide youth services elsewhere in the town, the council put the building near Colton Street on the property market late last year, suggesting that (subject to planning approval) new housing might be constructed by the buyer(s).
The Youth Centre remains 'for sale' but this week saw a petition created online, available to local people who feel the existing building should continue to serve the community.
Local resident Hannah Dobson, who informed Brigg Blog about the petition, has made the council aware of its launch and will be submitting the findings at the end of May for due consideration.
The introduction to the petition online says of local youth service provision: "Whilst alternatives have been quoted in the way of the Rec and the Angel, these are not a direct replacement for the current offering. There is also potential for wider use of this space as a community hub, too, if it were retained by the community."
Those signing the petition "would like to see this building retained as a community building and to support the needs of the community."
They are asking North Lincolnshire Council to review its sale of this building "and look at all options available in which this can be kept within the community."

The petitioners want to see community use continue if it retained as a council building, if it is leased to the community or if ownership passes to an investor or investors.
People wishing to support the petition can do so by using a link provided by Hannah. Click here...
Brigg Blog regulars may recognise Hannah's name; she's a key member of the group operating Brigg Food Bank.