Wednesday, May 23, 2018


New Brigg Town Mayor Coun Donald Campbell was installed during the Town Council's annual meeting this week.
The town's first citizen for 2018/9 has chosen Pancreatic Cancer Action as the charity to benefit from various fundraising events he will be holding for the mayoral appeal fund over the coming months.
Coun Campbell, who had just served 12 months as Deputy Town Mayor, has been a keen supporter of previous fundraising events for Pancreatic Cancer Action by the small but very active group in Brigg.
Its members include former councillors Andrew 'Sass' Markham and Lesley Whitehand,
Zoe Hall - another member of the team - attended at the Angel Suite to see Coun Campbell accept the honour of being Town Mayor and receive his chain of office from retiring Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall.
She thanked many people for their support during the past 12 months, including her husband.
Coun Campbell, 58, who lives on the Springbank estate, is a team leader with the 2 Sisters company in Scunthorpe, and has lived locally since 1985.
He has gained experience overseeing meetings as vice-chairman of the Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee.
One of his new roles will be chairing monthly council meeting of the authority.
Originally, he lived in Ayr, north of the border.
Installed as Deputy Town Mayor for 2018/19 at the annual meeting in the Angel Suite was Coun Brian Parker, of Bigby High Road.
Widely known in the district, he established a sizeable company in Brigg and has undertaken a good deal of charity work within the community.
Coun Parker was the first secretary of Brigg Town Cricket Club in the mid-1970s when he was a middle-order batsman and we batted somewhat further down the order!
The new Mayoress is Coun Campbell's wife, Coun Tina Campbell.
Brigg Blog congratulates the civic leadership team members on their election to office and has observed - at first hand - the hard work put in by Coun Riggall during her 12 months in office.
If we have to single out one item, it would be her commitment to Brigg in Bloom, which has done so much to add colour to the town and been well received by residents and visitors.

PICTURED ABOVE: In the Angel Courtyard following their installation, left to right: Coun Brian Parker, Deputy Town Mayor 2018/19; Coun Donald Campbell, the new Brigg Town Mayor; Coun Tina Campbell, Mayoress.

Coun Sharon Riggall carrying out her final duty as Town Mayor, handing over the chain of office to the new first citizen, Coun Donald Campbell, in the Angel Suite during the annual meeting of Brigg Town Council on May 21, 2018.

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