Saturday, March 16, 2019


Well over 100 years divide these 'then and now' pictures taken on the outskirts of Brigg.
In the early 20th century view we see a horse-drawn cart belonging to Mr Chapman, a Brigg corn merchant, as it heads along Scawby Road, Scawby Brook, and is about to pass Victoria Cottages and then the turn off to Silversides.
Today the A18 is one of the busiest roads in the Brigg area, with thousands of noisy vehicles a day, including lorries and tankers, pounding its surface.
Compare that with how things were in the early 1900s - a tranquil time when only the sound of a clanking buckets and shovels on the road disturbed the peace. 

Keen gardeners would dash out to collect free manure for their blooms and veg after horses had disappeared into the distance!

1 comment:

  1. I can remember in my toddler days of little old ladies collecting the stuff on their coal shovels
    I don't no why it was little of ladies who did this, but little old men didn't seem bothered!
    Sometimes, 2 little old ladies would argue about the ownership of a deposit..and there were raised voices and shovel rattling!
    As a 5 year old it was a fairly regular occurrence..when the horse-drawn bread van, rag and bone man, coal man rattled into view, there was curtain twitching...and seeming great anticipation that something special was going to happen.
    It seemed that ownership, if there was a dispute, was settled by deciding whose house was nearest to the steaming stuff.
