Thursday, April 05, 2018


Flooding along the A18 in Brigg has led to pedestrians being soaked by standing water thrown up from passing vehicles, the Annual Town Public Meeting heard.
Member of the public Jackie Brock - a former member of Brigg Town Council - went along to the Angel Suite to raise the issue during the Open Forum session.
She said the problem existed between St Mary's Catholic Church and the Methodist Church at the corner of Wesley Road.
"The drain is jam-packed full of soil," suggested Mrs Brock, pictured above. "I've been soaked from nose to knee!"
Coun Rob Waltham, the leader of North Lincolnshire Council, noted her concerns.
He assured Mrs Brock the drains were cleared along the A18 but said this stretch would be looked at again.
Coun Chris Dyson said flooding on Elwes Street was also an issue and suggested a drain might need relocating.
Coun Ann Eardley felt flooding of gardens on the Newlands housing estate was also an issue needing some attention.


  1. it's an offence to go through standing water if pedestrians are near but hard to enforce as culprit's go off without knowing it's an offence.

  2. 'Head to knee'....Did Jackie B have waterproof lower legs, or was she wearing big wellies at the time?
    # Peter...yep.but only if someone does it with inteny..but how do you prove that the driver did it on purpose...its one of those quandaries, if the driver doesn't admit guilt, the victim has to offer waterproof evidence, so to say, that indicates intent.
    Overall, how often are drains cleared?
    There's blocked drains all over Brigg, especially noticeable in private areas (ie not NLC) run-off can overwhelm other drains.
    However, there is often standing water at the Monument, although there are drains on the roundabout - perhaps these need checking......In addition, the drains in the Angel car-park are conspicuously blocked...even grass is growing out of some....some of them are so close to the BTC offices, I'm surprised that proactive action hasn't already been taken... Brigg gets flooded, it could float away to North Lindsey.

  3. I'm surprised the Newlands Estate is having problems...the roads and drainage system were only replaced recently..perhaps needs checking out to ascertain whether new drainage system is working against garden run-off...

  4. Not all new systems work....on a much larger scale, the Aswan dam, started by the British, then taken over by the Russians, on the Nile in the 60's promised to act as a massive fresh-water lake and to control the flow of the Nile.....within months of completion, the levis along the Nile, on which Egypt relied for agriculture were deprived of the annual replenishment of the deposition of fertile slits....instead, the silt was settling behind the dam to the extent that there are now dredgers working to remove the silt and than transporting miles to the levis.....a process that was previously undertaken by natural fluvio processes...
