Saturday, December 09, 2017


Brigg has been switching on the Christmas illuminations at 5pm for many years.
But should the start time be reviewed?
On Brigg Blog's main report about the switch on, festive fair and late night shopping which we posted early last Saturday morning, a comment was posted which makes an interesting point.
Karl Stead said he missed the turn on  because, in his opinion, it was too early in the evening.
"Next year, can you take into account the people that work and finish at 5pm?" he asked.
He was also delayed by the heavy traffic and parking, these factors being allied to the popularity of the event  no doubt.
"Apart from that, a very well turned out event. Thank you," he added.
We have forwarded his comments to Brigg Town Council, which manages the event and provides the lights.
If the switch on was put back half-an-hour or an hour, would this be a popular or unpopular move? And would it mean increased numbers attending this fine spectacle?

If you have a view, either way, post a comment and have a say.



  1. the market trader's vehicle's need to be of site half hour before start so this would be welcome as some barely get set up in time.a latter start for "bigger kids" no harm in trying but the market will it go on latter than 8pm ?.should brigg busines group put a car park map showing were to park,angel,old courts are free from 3pm tesco has 3hrs b&m & lidel 90 mins,on street parking from 5pm,if there willing to walk a bit station road but is ill lighted 3 pubs could be used p&bs after 5pm 2 churches & the vets ? health place after 5pm a shuttle bus running from the rec with brigg town's football clubs ?.

  2. 5 o'clock is not the optimum time for attracting the biggest crowd.
