Monday, October 30, 2017



Launched in 2012, the Do Something Different programme provides a wide range of sport, leisure and cultural activities for anyone aged over 16 with a physical or mental disability, allowing them to try something new in a fun, safe environment.
The new programme of events now includes activities on every day of the week, at sites across North Lincolnshire.
We have added some brand new sessions to the Do Something Different timetable, including Fun, Games and Physical Activities on a Monday evening at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub, and Fun, Active Games and Museum Activities at Barton Community Wellbeing Hub on Wednesday afternoon.
The timetable also features some old favourites. Due to their popularity, Multi-Sport and Archery and Table Tennis sessions at The Pods have been running since the project began five years ago.
You can download a full timetable of events online at or contact our Disability Development Officer, Telle Medhurst on or call 07717 587270. 

Coun Carl Sherwood (Brigg & Wolds), Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing at North Lincolnshire Council, pictured above, said: "Since we launched the Do Something Different project, it has gone from strength to strength with people taking part in a range of activities they never thought they would do.
“The new timetable includes some old favourites and some brand new activities; if you’ve never been along to a session before, why not come along and try something new?”
As well as a full weekly timetable of activities, there are two adapted bicycles available for free hire throughout the year at Normanby Hall Country Park. Please call the Hall on 01724 720588 to book these before your visit.
The current, full Do Something Different timetable of activities is as follows:


  • 9am to 11am – Rebound Therapy at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £3.50 per session. Booking essential.
  • 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Foam Archery at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 for one hours or £3 for two.
  • 5.15pm to 6.15pm – Fun and Games and Physical Activities, Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per person.


  • 10.30am to 12pm – Rebound Therapy at Brigg Community Wellbeing Hub, Horstead Avenue. £3.50 per session. Booking essential.
  • 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Archery and Table Tennis at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £2 for one hour or £3 for two.
  • 5pm to 6pm – Dance at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session. Booking essential (3, 10, 17, 24 October and 7, 14 November only)


  • 11.30am to 12.30pm – Chair-Based Exercise at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session.
  • 1pm to 4pm – Get Crafty at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe. Free sessions, term time only.
  • 1.30pm to 2.30pm – Fun, Active Games and Museum Activities at Barton Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session.


  • 11am to 12pm – Circuit Training at Riddings Pool, Scunthorpe. £2 per session.
  • 10.30am to 11.30am – Swimming or Instructor-led Gym sessions at Riddings Pool. £1.80 for swimming or £2.50 for the gym with your concessions card.
  • 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Multi-Sports at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 for one hour or £3 for two.


  • 1.15pm to 3.15pm – Multi-Sports at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £2 for one hour or £3.80 for two. 
The Community Well-Being Hub on Horstead Avenue, Brigg


1 comment:

  1. There's only one in Brigg...Rebound that another name for trampolining?
