Sunday, June 04, 2017


Have any pictures survived of shunting locos that were used at Brigg Sugar Factory?
They had steam engines to begin with and then a diesel.
The locos belonged to the factory and shunted the sidings which connected the industrial network with British Railways.
We've seen only one picture of such a loco - in the North Lincolnshire Museum Image Archive.
Perhaps others have survived in the Brigg area?
If you can help, please email
or post a comment on this post.
There used to be a very small British Railways signal box called Brigg Siding that was used to control trains of wagons entering and leaving the factory.
The factory was a major employer in the Brigg area from the late 1920s until closure in the mid-1990s.
There's an ex-employees' reunion every autumn.

1 comment:

  1. I worked the last year in the laboratory at Brigg Sugar Factory. What year was the last campaign?
