Wednesday, June 28, 2017


People who are caught short in Brigg may well be grateful for a decision taken by the Town Council at its June meeting held this week.
The town authority will continue to pay to have the Cary Lane toilets opened for use on Sundays and bank holidays.
North Lincolnshire Council owns the Cary Lane conveniences but does not choose to open them on Sundays and public holidays.
For some years now, the Town Council has funded the extra unlocking as a covenience to people visiting the town centre.
This agreement will continue for the next 12 months and is likely to cost £1,400.
Coun James Truepenny said the town was getting busier on Sundays so he fully supported renewal of the service level agreement for Cary Lane.
■ The WCs on East Park - near the war memorial - are not covered by the agreement.


  1. £23.33 pr day for the toilet to to open or is that for east park as well ?.

  2. It would be helpful is opening hours were placed outside

  3. At £1400 pa, Brigg Town Council could afford to take out a small mortgage and purchase the building in a comparatively short time.
    Thereafter, charge 20p for the convenience and protect the building with one of the famous CCTV cameras ( which most of the time seem to be asleep) of folks going in/out.
    Why can't the toilets be open 24/7....are we assuming that they are going to be vandalised and/or unsavory activities would happen?
    It's a poor reflection on Brigg and it lacks faith in the community's respect for the town.

  4. At £1400 pa, Brigg Town Council could afford to take out a small mortgage and purchase the building in a comparatively short time.
    Thereafter, charge 20p for the convenience and protect the building with one of the famous CCTV cameras ( which most of the time seem to be asleep) of folks going in/out.
    Why can't the toilets be open 24/7....are we assuming that they are going to be vandalised and/or unsavory activities would happen?
    It's a poor reflection on Brigg and it lacks faith in the community's respect for the town.

  5. 20p is an exceptable amount to use the toilet, however the one at monument roundabout should be free as the facilities are not that good.
