Monday, June 05, 2017


The need for improved public transport between Brigg and Caistor - our neighbouring town - will be highlighed by a forthcoming beer festival.
We reckon that a good many real ale fans from Brigg would go along and support Caistor Lions' event on June 16 and 17 if something akin to the No 4 Brigg-Scunthorpe bus service linked us with Caistor along the A1084.
The dial-ride CallConnect service will take folk between Brigg and Caistor but that's assuming passengers have registered with the service and that vacant slots are available in the runabout bus's schedule to get you there and back.
And we don't think they do trips after 7pm, which is prime time at beer festivals.
The same issues apply for Caistor residents who fancy an evening out in Brigg at any time.
A trip to Caistor yesterday saw us visit the Lakes eatery on the Brigg side of our neighbouring town.
It's menu and surroundings are impressive.
And in case you were wondering, we had to go by car although we were not in the driving seat!

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