Tuesday, June 14, 2016


There's no finer sight in the skies over Brigg than historic Second World War planes like the Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster and Dakota. And a surviving Spitfire could be viewable from the town later this month.
For the organisers of Hibaldstow Open Gardens & Scarecrow Day on Sunday 26th June,  have booked a Spitfire flypast, weather permitting.
The village event runs from 10am to 5pm. So rather than hope the Spitfire pilot does a banking turn over Brigg after the flypast, make the short drive to Hibaldstow and be sure to see the historic plane in all its glory.
Also on offer will be 14 gardens, 40+ scarecrows, flower displays in the church, classic cars,  an art display and refreshments.
Our picture shows a Hurricane and Spitfire over Brigg during a past visit. It was taken from the car park near what's now the B&M store.
During World War Two, Hibaldstow airfield had fighters. So this flypast will recall past events.
Make a note of the date.


  1. The fly-past is over Hibaldstow's playing field...refreshments available in the nearby village hall.
    From past history, it's not a brief visit, the aircraft hopefully will circle a number of times....
    Anyway, the Open Gardens and the amusing scarecrows are well worth visiting..there is a minibus service between selected points to ferry folks about as required..

  2. Spitfire Trivia..
    The last Spitfire to retire from military service (ignoring those on charge to the RAF's BofB Memorial Flight) was in 1961...from the Irish Air Force..
