Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Josie Webb has released details of Brigg Amateur Social Historians'  forthcoming meetings for Autumn/Winter  2016. 
The venue is Brigg Servicmen's Club, Coney Court - adjoining the town's main car park. Admission to BASH nights is free and no membership is required. If you want to attend, just turn up on the night.
Tuesday, September 6th: "Coaching Memories" - An Illustated Talk by Eric Houlder.  
Tuesday, October 4th: "Sisters of The Tsar" - An Illustrated Talk by Marilyn Roberts 
Tuesday, November 1st: "Titanic" - An Illustrated Talk by Rod Fanthorpe. 
Tuesday, December 6th: "Looking at Brigg"s Past" - A slideshow of old Photos of Brigg with BASH Chairman Josie Webb.
BASH was formed in 2003 and has been a very popular Brigg organisation ever since, holding well-attended monthly get-togethers.

1 comment:

  1. I can claim a family connection to the Titanic...my great uncle was the 2nd Engineering Officer..James (John) Hesketh..he was the most senior engineer on duty at the time of the collision..he was the guy who closed the bulkhead doors..all the engineers went down with the ship.
    His mum wouldn't accept that he had perished..he was only 31 and the youngest senior engineer in the White Star Line..she hoped he was safe on some uncharted island in the Atlantic...every night, she put his slippers in front of the fire to warm in the anticipation he would come home.
    Another Brigg connection...the guy who owned Capps tv shop in Albert St some years ago..his great unCole was one of the lolookout in the crows-nest..the first to spot the iceberg.
    They didn't have any binoculars...they were locked away after the purser who had the key, disembarked in Ireland before the Atlantic x-ing.
