Sunday, December 20, 2015


Where do you prefer to go in Brigg town centre to enjoy a good breakfast?
We've had some decent early morning tucker at JD Wetherpoon's White Horse (now costing all of £3.10) and we've paid a bit more and had a good feed at the Deli Diner, a little further along Wrawby Street.
Yesterday morning we made straight for spacious Wetherspoon's - thinking the much smaller Deli might well be full with the farmers' market under way  - but found only one member of the White Horse staff on duty taking orders behind the order. 
He was doing his level best but, being on his own, things were taking too long, we felt. And there was much bank, shop and market stall visiting to be done.
So it was a case of exit stage right and a brisk walk down to the Deli, where we were served straight away, another tasty breakfast was served up in quick time and greatly enjoyed.
We encountered train fan Paul Johnson, of the Friends of the Brigg & Lincoln Lines, who we know likes this eatery, tucking into his breakfast.

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