Thursday, July 02, 2015


At the latest meeting of Brigg Town Council, Coun Mike Campion reviewed annual civic events, including the Town Mayor's Coffee Morning, Civic Night at the Brigg Amateur Operatic Society Show, the Civic Service and the Civic Dinner.
Coun Campion felt the number of councillors attending some civic events was very poor and  suggested the Town Council should review the situation in a year's time.
This is expected to be done in June 2016.

1 comment:

  1. If we had a town crier, for example, then perhaps more people would become more aware and involved in civic functions.
    Brigg civic functions tend to be rather inclusive...perhaps they could be re-designed to include such groups as the Lions/Round Table...entertainment, from such folks as Morris-men.....then perhaps they would be perceived as loss stuffy and of interest to ordinary folk.
    Why not a Civic Summer BBQ?
