Saturday, January 26, 2013


We estimate that up to 2 inches of snow fell overnight in Brigg and the A18 through town is covered with a good deal of the white stuff - but it's soft and slushy. Cary Lane and Bigby Street require a bit of care if you are venturing out in the car. Sadly, the cold weather and snow coincides with the monthly Brigg Farmers' Market and is bound to affect the attendance figure, which is a shame. We intend to pop up and have a look later to see if our forecast proves correct. Last night we observed council workmen busying spreading sand/grit/salt in Wrawby Street, which was good to see if you are planning a spot of shopping "in town" today.
During a recent reflection on bad weather in Brigg we made reference to the unusual sighting of a robin in our part of town. That prompted a comment from Brigg Blog follower Ken Harrison, who pointed out that these birds are territorial so the robin we saw was not going to be an occasional visitor. Quite right, Ken, we've had many further visits of what we presume is the same one, in recent days.

1 comment:

  1. A few snippets -

    1. Robin named after C19th postmen - nicknamed, 'Robin Red Breasts' as they wore red waistcoats...

    2. This weekend - 26th/27th, the RSPB are undertaking a Garden Bird Survey.....we'll probably hear more if this in the forthcoming weeks..
