Saturday, January 12, 2013


When Brigg Town Council's Planning and Environment Committee meets on Wednesday (Jan 16), the most interesting item will be a proposed extraction flue at the Golden City take-away, 76 Wrawby Street (adjoining the Little Butchery).
Planning permission and listed building consent are being sought to install a flue on the side of the building within Brigg Conservation Area.
Town councillors will not decide whether to grant permission - that is a matter for North Lincolnshire planners - but they may choose to comment or make observations to the unitary authority.
Other applications listed for Wednesday's meeting in the Angel Suite Lounge at 8pm are:

  • Erect two-storey extension and domestic garage at The Gables, 21 Manley Gardens.
  • Display signage at Llloys TSB Bank, 69 Wrawby Street.
  • Amendment to increase width of double garage from 5400mm to 5840mm and increase length from 6200mm to 6290mm - 16 Wrawby Road.
Wednesday also sees a meeting of the Brigg Town Council Policy Committee in the Angel Suite Lounge, starting at 7pm.
Councillors will be considering a request for financial assistance from the Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society.
Reports on the new Brigg 2020 Vision group are expected from Coun Ben Nobbs and Coun the Rev Alec Depledge.
Interested members of the public are welcome to go along and listen to the discussions at both Wednesday night's meetings. But please note that entry to the building will be through the rear entrance of the Rotunda - the conservatory-like building adjoining the car park.
Apologies to more senior Brigg Blog followers for the use of millimetres in the garage dimensions given here. This unit of measurement comes from North Lincolnshire Council. We must admit to still thinking in feet and yards, miles rather than km, and stones and pounds rather than kgs.

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