Friday, December 02, 2011


Unlike last year, it looks like being cold but dry for tonight's Christmas lights switch-on in Brigg Market Place at 5pm. No sign of snow - so far!
Brigg Blog is honoured, as always, to be invited along to the pre-launch get-together in the Angel Suite Lounge, where we expect to meet town councillors and some of those involved with the hard work of putting up the lights. Also in attendance will be the cast from Cinderella, North Lincolnshire's pantomime.
Oh yes, they will!
We aren't sure whether Andrew Percy MP will be able to fit this into his busy schedule, but we hope it will prove possible. We often saw the previous MP, Ian Cawsey, at the event, though he sometimes had to shoot off elsewhere after the ceremony.
Brigg Blog isn't political and we are getting on well with Andrew, as we did with Ian - over many years. The fact they are from different parties doesn't matter a jot to this news-gathering enterprise.
The Town Council, the Lions and the new Business Partnership are all putting a lot of effort into making tonight a success, following the installation of the decorations and lights by Barrie Gray's Brigg firm.
Don't forget, there's a Christmas fair going on and late night shopping up to 9pm.

1 comment:

  1. Best bit- The Air Cadet Band!! These youngsters waited all night to perform and almost froze solid. The same band played at the Remembrance Day Parade at both Brigg and Barnetby. The youngsters so obviously have values and standards, and are our future. Keep supporting them!
