Tuesday, April 05, 2011


An exhibition of photos and Second World War memorabilia can now be viewed in Brigg Tourist Information Centre’s display window at The Buttercross, Market Place.
It is there to promote Brigg Amateur Social Historians’ I’ll Be Seeing You 1940s night on Friday, May 6 at Brigg Servicemen’s Club.
This is now established as a great night in Brigg’s social calendar.
Doors open at 7pm, the band starts playing at 8pm and the event runs until midnight (with bar extension).

Paula Baldwin’s Shiny Stockings Swing Band (pictured) provide the music – singers Christine Scott, Tony Orme and Sara Blair Manning – with the Jump Jive Alive Dancers.
Tickets cost £15 each from Tourist Information, The Buttercross, Brigg Tel: 01652 657053.
Pictured inset are BASH officials Josie Webb and Chris Witty.

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