Wednesday, October 29, 2008


With one of Brigg's most important set of traffic lights out of action this morning it will be interesting to see how drivers react, and how much congestion results.
North Lincolnshire Council is clearly aware of the problem, as a colourful sign indicating the lights are not working has been pinned to at least one of the poles.
The failed lights are at the junction of Barnard Avenue (on the A18), Cary Lane and Ash Grove.
Obviously, making right turns out of both Cary Lane and Ash Grove this morning will be very, very difficult - without the assistance of the lights - as there is such a heavy flow of traffic along Barnard Avenue.
So how many thinking motorists, emerging from Cary Lane, will elect to go left at the lights and use the roundabout near Tesco to turn back into Barnard Avenue and then head off towards The Monument?
The 'no right turn' restriction, introduced some time ago for vehicles emerging from Tesco's main entrance road, has proved a great sucess. Cars and vans must now go left to turn at the roundabout.
You have to have sympathy for council highways and traffic staff. For however they adjust the timing of the Cary Lane or Old Courts Road lights, in response to complaints, it is bound to affect traffic flows in another direction.
There are just too many vehicles wanting to go in too many directions to please all the motorists all of the time. The best they can hope is to keep most people happy most of the time.

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