Friday, June 15, 2018


Some time ago, central government launched an initiative to get unnecessary signs removed from roads and streets across Britain.
Brigg Blog responded by highlighting some on Glebe Road relating to the primary school that has long since moved to the other side of town.
During a walk along Grammar School Road the other day, we noted this sign pointing the way to Brigg Resource Centre - also long gone.
It is not the only sign in Brigg directing drivers to the former centre on Horstead Avenue, where the Community Hub is now located.
Minor matters like this are never going to be a priority, but days become months and then months become years without any action being taken.
One North Lincolnshire Council lorry and a couple of workers might perhaps be deployed to drive round Brigg and remove out-of-date signs.
Or could they find a local recycling company that would do it free of charge, in return for the scrap metal?

1 comment:

  1. Of course this works both ways, we were informed from NLC that signage for the railway station for all signs at monument roundabout would be done......within the next 10 years 😯
