Friday, May 11, 2018


A second application seeking approval to give a new look to one of Brigg town centre's best-known grade two listed buildings has been rejected by North Lincolnshire Council, the local planning authority.
The council has now refused to grant listing building consent for the installation of various replacement signs and external decorations and has also declined to give advertisement consent to display various illuminated and non-illuminated signs.
The applications for the Lord Nelson Hotel, in the Market Place, were submitted by its owners, Old Mill Brewery, of Snaith.
Among the plans were lettering for the frontage making reference to luxury en suite rooms being available within.
The brewery also wanted to add a portrait of Admiral Lord Nelson - victorious hero of the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar - high up on the frontage,
Below the Navy's most famous face it planned to add the words 'Grog, Rations and Bunks'.
A new sign was also earmarked for the rear of the premises - above the beer garden.
The Old Mill Brewery told  planners: "When designing our scheme, we considered the age and history of the building, and its importance within the street scene.
"Overall, we feel that we have retained the key features of the building and kept a link to the historic pub name. The sympathetic, yet impactful, scheme we have proposed is in keeping with the traditional pub feel, but will also elevate the surrounding street scene with a slightly more contemporary appearance."
However, Brigg Town Council expressed concerns about the proposed alterations to a prominent listed building within the Conservation Area.
North Lincolnshire Council subsequently rejected both applications.
Outlining the reasons for refusal it said the 'advertisements' would result in a visually prominent and discordant feature, detracting from the appearance and architectural features of the building.
A detailed council assessment report, suggested the lettering and the image of Lord Nelson would become "a dominant feature on the building, impeding the appreciation of the architecture features, in this case the sash windows and the ionic pilasters and the 19th century character of the building."
It added: "Regarding the conservation area, there are no other similar painted strips with images and lettering on the upper floors of the 18th and 19th century buildings which characterise the appearance of the conservation area."
Any individual or business which has applications rejected by a local authority may, if it chooses, submit an appeal. An inspector is then appointed to consider whether to uphold or overturn the council's ruling.

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