Saturday, May 26, 2018


The new Town Mayor of Brigg had a busy first night as the community's first citizen.
As soon as Coun Donald Campbell had been installed, he found himself chairing the annual meeting of Brigg Town Council, with 22 items on the agenda.
As retiring Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall left the top table to take her place among the assembled councillors, Coun Campbell was in charge. And he took it in his stride.
At the conclusion of the meeting, as is customary, the Mayor hosted a reception, with refreshments served by Angel Suite manager Karen Deeley, during which he chatted to Brigg Blog and shared his thoughts on the year ahead.
That was after 'His Worship' had attended to some essential paperwork with Town Clerk Dinah Lilley (see picture immediately below).
The above view - taken from behind the top table - shows Coun Campbell, wearing his chain of office, chairing the meeting, with a good gathering of local people occupying the public seats at the far end of the Angel Suite.


Coun Donald Campbell, Town Mayor of Brigg 2018/2019.

Deputy Town Mayor Coun Brian Parker (left), Mayoress Coun Tina Campbell and Town Mayor and Chairman of Brigg Town Council, Coun Donald Campbell, being photographed on the steps leading up to the Angel Suite by Ken Harrison, of Brigg Matters Magazine.

Coun Brian Parker, Deputy Town Mayor, Mayor-Elect for the following year and Vice-Chairman of Brigg Town Council.

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