Saturday, May 26, 2018


Additional  litter bins are about to be installed in Brigg.
This was revealed by Coun Rob Waltham, the leader of North Lincolnshire Council, during the latest meeting of the Town Council.
Litter is a topic that concerns many people in Brigg - including councillors.
And efforts to pick up items discarded by uncaring people on streets and public land is to continue.
At Monday's meeting, Brigg Town Council considered whether a litter-pick, involving volunteer members of the public and town councillors, should be undertaken on a monthly basis - an increase on the current frequency.
This divided opinion although everyone was committed to tackling litter.
Coun Mike Campion said he was not intending to vote against monthly clean-ups but felt three or four times a year to be sufficient.
He had concerns about "doing other people's jobs" when it came to keeping things tidy.
And he stressed that folk should be "educated" against dropping litter.
Coun Waltham stressed that it was not the local authority that dropped litter. He felt the best course of action was to divide the town into areas and ask volunteers to undertake litter picks on a regular basis. This view gained support.
However, Coun Jane Kitching, who is a keen participant in the current litter-picking sessions, did not regard increasing them to once a month as excessive.
She pointed out that when councillors visited areas of the town for litter-picking purposes, they  often spotted, or heard, about a range of issues, including faulty street lights.
Town Mayor Coun Donald Campbell thought local businesses should be involved.
Coun Chris Dyson said weeds were also a problem, but Coun Waltham replied that a spraying programme was about to commence.

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