Thursday, December 07, 2017


Brigg Town Council allotment holders will not have to fork out any more cash to grow their own fruit and veg.
An audit report undertaken for the council, which runs the allotments on Grammar School Road and Atherton Way/Redcombe Lane, highlighted the fact there has not been a rent review since 2009.
So the matter was placed on the agenda for the council's latest meeting in the Angel Suite.
Councillors heard that even a 10 per cent rise would generate little extra revenue, while tenants had to be given six months' notice of any intended change to rents.
Therefore, it was agreed to leave things as they are until late next year when the issue will be looked at again.

1 comment:

  1. I use to know a very keen allotment holder....He use to take his children to the site every weekend.
    His son would tend to the cabbages and peas; while his daughter would hoe the rows of onions and leeks...
