Sunday, October 22, 2017


Keeping Brigg streets leaf-free during mid-October, especially with windy weather about, is a never-ending task for North Lincolnshire Council and public-spirited householders and business proprietors who choose to clear the paths near their properties.
We were going to post last Thursday evening about a very deep accumulation outside the Britannia Inn, alongside the A18 - blown there from nearby East Park.
But when we walked past the next morning there was hardly a leaf in sight.
Then, on Saturday, we ventured down Queen Street and encountered a long stretch of slippery fallen leaves on the well-used path (pictured above) at the side of the sorting office and parcel collection point.
Lime trees are especially sticky underfoot when there's been a downpour or two.
No doubt this accumulation will be removed in due course - only for more leaves to fall. And so on and so on until none remain on the trees above.

Leaves from the trees at East Park, Brigg - near the Tintab shelter - piled up by the wind near the public conveniences.

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