Tuesday, June 27, 2017


A few years ago there was a pilot scheme in our part of Brigg to try out low energy LED street lights.
This project was well received and the leading lights at North Lincolnshire Council said  that other LED street lights would follow, which has proved to be the case.
The council has now given the green light for thousands to be installed.


North Lincolnshire Council is currently looking for a supplier to replace 21,000 street lights with more efficient LED lights across North Lincolnshire.
The £6m scheme to improve street lights will result in using 50 to 75 per cent less energy than ordinary street lights.
Work on replacing the street lights is expected to start from September 2017.
The council is currently developing the programme of when work will take place and intends to keep residents updated through its website and social media.
Cllr Rob Waltham, Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “It costs the council £1m a year on energy bills for street lights. This is an astronomical amount that increases as energy prices rise."
“By installing new LED lights, we are not only reducing our energy consumption but saving money too.  Ultimately the £1m a year in electricity efficiencies can then be reinvested to support key council services such as Adult Social Care, Highways and Schools things local residents regularly tell us are important to them. "
These new lights are more energy efficient than the current lights and cost significantly less to maintain than the existing lights.
“While some other councils have sought to save money by switching off street lights and reducing street lighting provision we will not.  In my view, communities are safer and residents really benefit from well-lit streets, and I am simply not prepared to compromise on this in the interests of saving money in this area.
“North Lincolnshire council will take a different approach by ensuring that our street lights stay on, using modern LED lighting technology at a much reduced cost to the local tax-payer and of significant benefit to the local environment."

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