You can travel from Kirton In Lindsey or Brigg to Meadowhall or Sheffield (Saturday only) by train for £14.40 Adult Day Return - Under 16s £7.20.
To save money on what would be anything up to £30.10 return for an adult to Sheffield via Barnetby, please do the following using a legal ticket anomaly:
- Purchase from the Guard on the train at Kirton in Lindsey or Brigg a Barnsley return ticket - £11.70 adults, under 16s £5.85; this ticket is valid to Meadowhall on the outward ticket.
- Then ask the guard for a Meadowhall to Sheffield single ticket to plug the missing gap; use this for travelling to Sheffield on the first trip, or from Meadowhall on the return trip, £2.70 for adults, £1.35 for Under 16s
The return ticket from Barnsley to Kirton in Lindsey or Brigg is valid back from Sheffield to the Brigg Line.
Train Times (Saturdays only)
Kirton In Lindsey 0915 (Service for Cleethorpes)
Brigg 0926 (Service for Cleethorpes)
Barnetby 0934 (arrive)
Change Trains
Barnetby depart 0952 (Platform 3)
Meadowhall 101
Sheffield 1108
Meadowhall 1530 (Platform 3)
Sheffield 1537
Change Trains
Sheffield 1601 (Service for Cleethorpes via Brigg)
Kirton In Lindsey 1715
Brigg 1726.
There's free car parking for rail users at Kirton In Lindsey station and at Station Road, Brigg.