Friday, December 30, 2016


Some Christmas week Brigg bins still remain uncollected.
Everything is fine in terms of the green or black general waste bins, as far as we know.
The issue is with burgundy bins, holding cardboard and plastic items for recycling.
North Lincolnshire Council gave due notice that the usual Tuesday visit would be put back to Wednesday this week because of the public holiday.
However, many Brigg bins put out by householders were not collected on Wednesday, as scheduled.
The local authority's collectors were due to sweep up the missed bins yesterday (Thursday) but in certain cases this did not happen.
At 9am today (Friday) some were still out on the streets.
Our household is one of those affected by the delayed collection. And we know we are not the only ones. You can see others on footpaths in the town.
North Lincolnshire Council's bin collection service is usually second to none, and gives little or no cause for complaint. But on this occasion the local authority has not endeared itself to households where items to recycle have been building up with no room remaining in already full burgundy bins.
It was a time-consuming task to tear up cardboard boxes and cartons into small pieces to get them  ready for recycling.
Hopefully the collection team will make it later today and normal service will be resumed.

UPDATE, 11.30AM FRIDAY: Bin crews seen in Brigg emptying the burgundy bins. Thanks.

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