Tuesday, November 22, 2016


We watched an interesting battle for territorial supremacy between two flocks of birds in Brigg town centre the other day.
It was early morning, just getting light, and crows were taking on gulls for the right to occupy the tiled roof on the row of shops in Spring's Parade.
The swooping white gulls did their best but were outnumbered by their black competitors, who would not be moved from their lofty perch.
Seeing the crows gathering on the roof reminded us of a scene from the 1963 Hitchcock horror film The Birds.
Presumably, the crows and gulls were gathering for the right to any fast food leftovers discarded on our streets. 

1 comment:

  1. A murder in spring, eh Nige.....a murder being the collective noun for a flock of crows..
