Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Here's a picture in support of our call for the authorities to consider making it easier for pedestrians to get to and from Riverside Surgery in Brigg. 
Crossing the road here can prove difficult, given the volume of traffic and the close proximity to the A18, Barnard Avenue.
Our view shows the much-used medical facility on the right and the entry/exit road to Tesco's store and petrol station (near the red car).
The doctors' surgery car park (right) does not have many parking spaces so people attending appointments, or picking up prescriptions, usually try Tesco's car park (away to the left) or use a rough area of overspill parking (immediately to the right of the bus).  
In the latter case, they are faced with walking along the side of the hedge (centre of picture) with their backs to cars leaving the store. This is not idea, by any means - especially now there are fewer daylight hours.
We hope our councillors, Tesco and the surgery management might be able to do something for those of us who visit the surgery on foot. 
This issue has been flagged up before - on many occasions, over a number of years.
In case you were wondering about the bus, it is a free service provided by Tesco, picking up potential customers from local villages. This is a very welcome facility for those without cars. 


  1. The entrance was accepted as acceptable over 10 years ago on the assumption of the volume of traffic flow.
    However, Brigg Tesco usage has been much higher than originally forecast and there is a need now to re-examine the situation.

  2. the area from the "overspill" to the surgery belongs to the surgery & it be up to them to install a pedestrian access along its border.most people park in tesco's anyway but still have to cross the busy entrance.the "safe" option is walk round under the bridge.
