Friday, October 09, 2015



On Saturday 24 October, organisers are inviting children to bring their prepared pumpkins to Brigg Harvest Farmers’ Market – and they could win a prize.
The harvest is now almost complete and October is drawing to a close so what better way to celebrate than by hosting a pumpkin competition?
There will be a prize for the best boy entry and one for the best girl entry. Simply bring your pumpkin to the information stand on the market before 11.30am so that it can be judged.
Once this has taken place, you can collect your pumpkin ready for your Halloween celebrations the following weekend.
Brigg Farmers’ Market is very popular with shoppers from far and wide. The friendly producers are more than happy to pass on cooking tips for what they sell and can advise on how to get the best out of your goods.
The market was set up in June 2000 with just 14 stalls and has since grown to over 30 stalls. With everything from artisan breads, ostrich, smoked salmon and delicious apple juice, there’s so much choice.
A recent addition to the market is locally made fruit wines from Peaks Top Farm, near Grimsby. They grow the soft fruits on the farm and turn them into delicious wine.
Coun Liz Redfern, leader, North Lincolnshire Council, said:  “The Harvest Farmers’ Market is a great way to show off the great produce that is grown locally. It’s fresh, wholesome and superb quality.
“The pumpkin competition will make this Farmers’ Market all the more special, with Halloween just around the corner. We are hoping lots of children bring their prepared pumpkins to be judged to be in with a chance of winning a prize!
“There are many recipes around for delicious pumpkin pie or soup, so don’t waste what you cut out. You can also save some of the seeds and grow your own pumpkins next year!
“At the Harvest Farmers’ Market, there will be cookery demonstrations by local chef Nigel Brown who will be using food from the Farmers’ Market to create some delicious dishes for you to try at home.”

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