Friday, January 31, 2014


The "wish list" of Brigg station improvements we reported a few days ago - drawn up at a meeting involving the Friends of the Line, railway companies and councillors - was considered at length during Monday night's Brigg Town Council meeting in the Angel Suite.
Coun Ben Nobbs began the discussion by running through the list. He concluded it's now a case of "use it or lose it" for Brigg.
Coun Mike Campion said any move to improve things was welcome but stressed the same problems had been discussed for about 20 years. That left him feeling pessimistic. Except for trips to the seaside at Cleethorpes, the present service had little to offer people. 
Coun Rob Waltham suggested the entire approach to the station needed looking at, being "one of the grot spots of the town."

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