Monday, October 14, 2013


We've just spotted a job advert for a jam blender (not many of them about) and thought how it would have suited people made redundant by the closure of the Spring's factory in Brigg - although the vacancy is more than 30 years too late. 
View the job here
There are still folk in Brigg who worked at Spring's - a major employer for many decades. The above sign was the centrepiece of the old factory overlooking the River Ancholme and was incorporated within William Jackson's Grandways supermarket when it was built in the early 1980s (now the 'old' Lidl store).

Spring's factory viewed from the top of the County Bridge circa 1971/2. KEN FISHER ARCHIVE


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting side note to that picture. During World War II with the industrial heartlands of the UK under constant threat it was difficult to find safe havens for some things. So the works Norton Motorcycle Racing Team hid their works bikes at Spring's factory. Brigg being a safer inland storage facility. I got that story from my Father whose a great racing motorcycle enthusiast.

  3. Very interesting, James. I recall that one member of the Spring family was a noted pre-war motorcycle racer of more than local renown. Perhaps that fact is relevant to Norton works bikes being given a home in Brigg
