Saturday, May 25, 2013


The retirement of Coun Julian Kidd from Brigg Town Council was notified to members at the AGM in the Angel Suite this week and it was agreed to send him an official letter of thanks.
Town Mayor Coun John Kitwood announced to members that Coun Kidd had resigned.
Coun Mike Campion said they appreciated what an excellent councillor Julian  had been over many years. He had done a tremendous amount of work and the personnel committee, in particular, had benefited from his knowledge.
Coun Kidd's resignation leaves a vacancy. This will be dealt with in accordance with the laid down procedure for parish and town councils. The likely result, depending on the public's response, will be co-option or an election.We will keep you informed. There may be people reading this who are interested in joining the council or perhaps you know someone who is.
Brigg Blog has attended the vast majority of council and committee meetings since Coun Kidd joined the authority and he always adopted a common sense and direct approach to whatever appeared on the agenda. Councillors and those sitting on the press benches will also miss his good humour which shone through during his time as a member of the council. 

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